Monday, April 30, 2012

Milestone 8

Ironically enough, deadlines can be a great thing as you can get things done with in weeks that might normally take months otherwise if you were simply just doing it for fun. I finally managed to get some names for some of the other characters I designed, (the ones that are based off people I know after asking them what names they wanted), the names I felt needed to match the races orgins. The so called fun UV mapping and texturing have also been finished along with putting all the pieces together for the video at the portfolio show.


Before reading her profile below the image, I'd like to point out that I did not write this characters' profile, the talented friend of mine whom this character is based off of wrote her bios and sent it to me. I will not give off names for privacy purposes but you can find more of her work at, she's a better writer than I am I'll say.

Race: Lightfoot Halfling, Main Class: Ranger, Sub Class: Ninja, Alignment: Neutral Good

Seraphina Montajay (family name), Silvermoon (earned name)

Seraphina Montajay was born to a halfling couple but was orphaned as an infant, ending up in the care of a wealthy human family. They treated her like a princess, not just because of her obviously unique looks, but because she was the only child (biological or otherwise) the family had. However she loathed the wealthy lifestyle, preferring to spend her days in the woods among the animals and plants and such. It didn't take long for her to decide that the forest was a better home than a stuffy manor and so she ran off, carrying only what she could fit in her traveling bag and heading for the hills as it were. Slowly she learns to adapt to the forest lifestyle, becoming something of a Ranger over time, even acquiring a companion animal - a Velociraptor to be precise. Her earned name (one of them at any rate) is Silvermoon, owing to the fact that she ran away from home on the night of a full moon and so named herself accordingly.
As a Ranger, her skill with bow and arrow is deadly and she hardly ever misses a target. She prefers long-range combat but can hold her own up close if necessary. Her pet Velociraptor is named Screech, for the high-pitched roar he makes that often disorients opponents.
Seraphina's personality can be seen as bratty on occasion, owing to her wealthy upbringing. Her sense of humor is often dry and/or sarcastic and she isn't above insulting others to get her way. However she can be very loving and kind towards those she knows well and does enjoy having friends to talk to.


Race: Dark Elf, Main Class: Necromancer, Sub Class: Druid, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Tsubmyr is based off myself. The combination of a necromancer and a druid may sound completely out there at first but may actually reflect off sort of a witch of the wilds approach. Characters like Morrigan and Merrill from Dragon Age being examples of this with the whole black magic and nature mix background. More than less the necromancer/druid results in a sort of character whom can act as a both giver and taker of life. The drow name, Tsubmyr means "void boned".


Race: Common Orc, Main Class: Barbarian, Sub Class: Soldier, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Tazok is based off my brother who's loved orcs for as long back as he's been into fantasy and sci-fi stuff. The barbarian/soldier class is heavily skilled in physical combat be it at ranged or melee with nearly any type of weapon or armor.


Just the current logo I use to represent my works.

Black Phoenix Model Textures

I did a little editing with the ship model of the Black Phoenix from a few years back during some of the time I spent building the Tanwen model for that I planned to use it in my final project. Below is the texture layout.

While some of the edges on the texture may look a little sloppy, keep in mind only want falls under the wireframes of the model, as can be seen to the left, will be visible on the actual model, anything outside won't matter. Below are a few renders of the model from different angles so you can get a better idea of what the model looks like as a whole.

Tanwen Model Textures

Texturing Tanwen and all of her clothing, weapons, exc. was the most texturing work I've had to do at one time and yet had so little time to do it. As e result, some of the pieces didn't get quit as detailed as I'd have liked them to been had I more time though I spent what time I had to put all the detail I could into them and while not as much as I would have liked, I consider it good enough for the portfolio show. After all, now that I have Tanwen modeled, I could always go back in my spare time and add to the texture details along with even animating her with a skeleton, controllers, exc. And the same process can always be done with more characters to. If I'm not in any gaming or movie mood in my spare time, I'll have plenty of art work ideas to work on at least. Below are the texture layouts for a few of the many pieces to the model of Tanwen, just some of the bigger main pieces really for that the entire model is made up of over 30 pieces if you include all of the cloths and weapons.

 Above is the texture layouts for Tanwens' skin. This is especially one of the model pieces I'd love to add more detail to in my spare time. And if you're wondering about the red in her crotch area, yes that is a tattoo for those of you who'd guess it. Specifically a tattoo of red flames, simalure to the scar shaped tattoo markings on her cheek. With Tanwen being rather wild, completely out there, and even down right dirty sometimes, the idea of her having her crotch area tattooed seemed fitting for her character. I apologize to anyone looking at this that is grossed out by it for that it's not intended for humor or pornographic material purposes, it just simply represents the kind of person Tanwen is. That being said, it's also an important reminder that this doesn't mean Tanwen is just some down right dirty prostitute with no life, she simply just has a bit of dirty humor in a I can do whatever the hell I want sense.

Above are the texturing results for Tanwens' hair. This model piece was the biggest pain in the ass of all the model pieces to get the UV layouts placed down for considering Tanwens' hair style and the fact the sheets used to represent the hair locks layered over each other.

Above are the texture layouts for the belted tunic Tanwen wears.

Above are the texture layouts for Tanwens' coat. Finally below is a step by step process showing the textures on the actual model.

Before textures are applied to the model.

After the textures are added in.

After the model is smoothed, increasing the polygon count by a lot. This image might look like the same one as the one above this one but once you compare them you can tell a difference. Below are some images of the entire model after it's been textured and smoothed.

Tanwen Model (Naked)

Some screen shots of the model of Tanwen without any of the clothing and other accessories.

Tanwen Model (Clothed Part 1)

Some screen shots of the Tanwen model with some of her cloths on.

Tanwen Model (Clothed Part 2)

Some screen shots of the Tanwen model with most of her cloths on.

Note the armor padding on Tanwens' boots provides protection from taking an arrow in the knee!

Tanwen Model (Coat and Weapons Included)

Some screen shots of the Tanwen model with all pieces included.

Floor Texture and Model Renders

Below is the the floor texture I made combining pieces from a few photos taken and edited in Photoshop to help match the bar background photograph being Tanwen.

Finally below are some renders of the model of Tanwen showing the results with all the lighting and shading effects included.

The Video

Above is a last minute group shot I illustrated of some of my original characters together. Getting all the proportions right in comparison with all the individual characters was a bit hard, especially considering it's not a group shot of all humans, there's only one human in this image. From left to right, Ra'seth, Tazok, Tanwen, Tsubmyr, Seraphina and Zalexia.
Below is the final video I made for the portfolio show. The music playing in the background is from the "Layer of the Shadow Broker" DLC to "Mass Effect 2" With ANI 260 done I now intend to to do more original character art in my time along with video gaming and job related work over the summer. Specifically more colored art work that I can afford to do some more of and modeling and perhaps animating that I may post on future blogs. Hopefully anyone bothering to read this now has enjoyed looking at what I've been working over the past few months of early 2012. I enjoyed working on it myself, despite all the moments of frustration that came along with it but hey it's like playing a video game on a hard difficulty, you're angered over having trouble with a challenge as you are enjoying it.

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